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Preserving youth: prevention starts early

The connection between anti-aging and physical fitness: why the two go hand in hand

Anti-aging is much more than just the desire to reduce wrinkles or delay biological age. It is a holistic concept that aims to improve the quality of life, increase vitality and maintain health into old age. Physical fitness plays a central role in this - not only for older people, but also for younger people who want to shape their future in a preventative manner. Lack of mobility can only be improved to a very limited extent by dietary supplements.

Fitness as the key to cell health

Physical activity works at the cellular level: regular exercise promotes blood circulation and supplies the cells with oxygen and nutrients. At the same time, it stimulates the formation of new mitochondria, the so-called "power plants of the cells". This is particularly important because mitochondrial function declines with age, which can lead to loss of energy, reduced cell regeneration and visible signs of aging.The connection between exercise and anti-aging is also evident in the activation of certain mechanisms such as autophagy, a cellular cleaning process. Autophagy helps recycle damaged cell components, which maintains cell health and can slow down aging. Regular physical activity is one of the most effective ways to boost this process.

Exercise protects against age-related diseases

A healthy, fit body is better equipped to fight age-related diseases. Studies show that people with good physical fitness have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and even dementia. Fitness helps regulate blood sugar levels, reduces chronic inflammation and strengthens the immune system - all aspects that are also crucial in anti-aging.

Maintaining youth: Prevention starts early

Fitness is not just an issue for older people. Younger people benefit enormously from promoting their physical health early on in order to positively influence the aging process. Muscle maintenance and bone health are two areas that should be particularly focused on. Natural muscle loss begins around the age of 30, which can limit mobility and quality of life in the long term if no countermeasures are taken. Strength training and a targeted fitness routine can effectively counteract this.

Fitness as an anti-aging category in our shop

To promote the synergies between anti-aging and physical fitness, we are expanding our product range to include the "Fitness" category. Our goal is to offer you not only products that slow down the aging process at a cellular level, but also those that support your physical vitality and fitness.

Our range will soon cover the following areas:

• Fitness equipment and tools: From compact equipment for training at home to innovative tools specifically aimed at maintaining mobility and muscle strength.
• Nutritional supplements for athletes: Products specifically developed for active people to support energy, regeneration and performance, such as BCAA complexes, proteins and specific anti-aging supplements.
• Clothing and accessories: Functional sportswear that combines comfort and performance, as well as accessories such as fitness mats and training bands.
• Guides and training plans: Practical guides and programs that help you achieve your fitness goals while taking anti-aging principles into account.

A holistic approach to your health

By integrating fitness into our offering, we want to help you live an active and self-determined life. Anti-aging and fitness belong together: After all, what use is rejuvenated skin if the body no longer cooperates? It's just as pointless to be fit if the aging process continues unhindered at the cellular level. Our goal is to combine both worlds - for a life full of energy, vitality and zest for life.

Stay tuned for our new products and discover how you can optimally combine your fitness and your anti-aging potential. Together we will shape your future - young, healthy and active!

7 products

PlatinumLED Therapy Lights: BIOMAX Series

PlatinumLED Lichttherapie: BIOMAX Serie
(Geräte zwischen EUR 625 und EUR 1.125)
Sie können die Geräte dieser Serie leider nicht bei uns bestellen.
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Lieferzeit: Etwa 3 Wochen (Lieferung aus den USA)

  • Sold Out

Hypervibe G17 Pro v2 vibration plate

Vibrationspolatte Hypervibe G14v3
Technische Spezifikation
Frequenz (von/bis) 5-35 Hz
Amplitude +/- 3,5 mm
Hub +/- 7 mm
G-Kraft maximal 17,3 G
Maße (LxBxH) 71,5 x 81,8 x 135,5 cm
Trittfläche (LxB) 53,5 x 33,5 mm
Gesamtgewicht 85 kg
Max. Belastbarkeit 200 kg


Lieferzeit: 1 - 2 Wochen (Lieferung ausschließlich nach. EU und CH)

  • Sold Out

Hypervibe G14v3 vibration plate

Hypervibe G14v3 Vibrationsplatte
Technische Spezifikation
Frequenz (von/bis) 5-30 Hz
Amplitude +/- 4 mm
Hub +/- 8 mm
G-Kraft maximal 14 G
Maße (LxBxH) 65,5 x 39,5 x 130 cm
Trittfläche (LxB) 65,5 x 39,5 mm
Gesamtgewicht 50 kg
Max. Belastbarkeit 140 kg


Lieferzeit: 1 - 2 Wochen (Lieferung ausschließlich nach. EU und CH)

  • Sold Out

Hypervibe G10v2 vibration plate

Hypervibe G10v2 Vibrationsplatte
Technische Spezifikation
Frequenz (von/bis) 5-25 Hz
Amplitude +/- 4 mm
Hub +/- 8 mm
G-Kraft maximal 10 G
Maße (LxBxH) 65,5 x 39,5 x 15 cm
Trittfläche (LxB) 65,5 x 39,5 mm
Gesamtgewicht 26 kg
Max. Belastbarkeit 140 kg


Lieferzeit: 1 - 2 Wochen (Lieferung ausschließlich nach. EU und CH)

  • Sold Out

Step-Mat Combo for G10 and G14

Step-Matten-Combo für G10 und G14


Lieferzeit: 3-4 Tage

This article is unfortunately only available in Germany

Destilliergerät UNI-WD-200, 4 l
Lieferung nur an Lieferadressen in Deutschland wg. unterschiedlicher Steckernormen


Lieferzeit: 3-4 Tage

Mein Coaching: Ihr Schlüssel zur Erneuerung (orientierendes Vorgespräch)

Vorgespräch bei Dipl.-Psych. Dr. Peter Niehenke (Jg. 1949)
60 Minuten (vor Ort in Affoltern im Emmental in der Schweiz oder via ZOOM//Telefon)
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